CSE 301: Mathematical Analysis for Computer Science



Text Book: concrete.jpgprobability.jpg





Dr. M. Kaykobad


Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh


Debajyoti Mondal


Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh


Section A: Class Test 1 [Sunday, June 13, 2010][marks]

Section B: Class Test 1 [Sunday, June 13, 2010][marks]

Section A: Class Test 2 [Saturday, July 31, 2010]

Section B: Class Test 2 [Saturday, July 31, 2010]
















Course Topics:

Further readings are included in the syllabus

  • Class 1[Sunday, May 23, 2010]:
  • Tower of Hanoi, line on plane, n-D version of line on the plane (Ch-1)
  • How many regions in a circle
  • Cassinis puzzle (Ch-6) proof of equation 6.103
  • Class 2[Monday, May 24, 2010]:
  • Josephus problem (Ch-1)
  • Generalization of the recurrence relation of Josephus problem (Ch-1)
  • Upper bound of number of straight line segments that can be drawn in a 3D grid without crossings.
  • Class 3[Tuesday, May 25, 2010]:
  • Tiling a plane (Ch-7)
  • How many ways are there to change the money? (Ch-7)
  • How many perfect matching are there in a 2xn grid?
  • Class 4[Sunday, May 30, 2010]:
  • How many spanning trees are there in a fan? (Ch-7)
  • Sums and recurrences. (Ch-2)
  • Analysis of the recurrence to quick sort. (Ch-2)
  • Class 5[Monday, May 31, 2010]:
  • Multiple Sums (Ch-2)
  • General Methods of Sums (Ch-2)
  • Class 6[Tuesday, June 01, 2010]:
  • Finite and Infinite Calculus (Ch-2)
  • Floors and Ceilings (Ch-3)
  • Applications of Floors and Ceilings (Ch-3)
  • Class 7[Sunday, June 07, 2010]:
  • Spectrum of real numbers (Ch-3)
  • Generalized Josephus Problem (Ch-3)
  • GCD, Primes (Ch-4)
  • Class 8[Monday, June 08, 2010]:
  • Primes, Factorial Factors (Ch-4)
  • Relative Primality (Ch-4)
  • Chinese Remainder Theorem
  • Class 9[Tuesday, June 09, 2010]:
  • Divisibility, Relative Primality (Ch-4)
  • When a number is divisible by n?, n= 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, ...
  • Mod: The congruence relation, Fermat's Little Theorem (Ch-4)
  • Class 10[Sunday, June 13, 2010]:
  • Class Test
  • Class 11[Monday, June 14, 2010]:
  • Binomial Coefficients, Basic Identities (Ch-5)
  • Special Numbers, Stirling's and Eulerian (Ch-6)
  • Class 12[Tuesday, June 15, 2010]:
  • Binomial Coefficients, Basic Practice (Ch-5)
  • Harmonic Numbers (Ch-6)



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